Feminismo e academia

  • Silvia Yannoulas
  • Adriana Vallejos
  • Zulma Lenarduzzi
Keywords: academy, androcentrism, comparison, discrimination, epistemology, gender studies, feminism, power, university


After centuries of exclusion, women in the 20th century were admitted at University. However, diverse forms of discrimination, apparent or veiled, have crisscrossed women access to the academic world. This situation has contributed to consolidate different university itineraries for men and women, as well as an unequal participation in the very academic power. Moreover, if it is true that feminist academy has stimulated the production of a nonsexist scientific knowledge, analyzing and reformulating traditional epistemological conceptions, it is also true that hegemonic scientific contents and methodologies present subtle trace of androcentrism still today. In this sense, the contribution of gender studies may provide its motivating potential to critical exploration. Gender studies may also contribute to the transformation of contemporary scientific knowledge, and to consolidate a wider and more effective insertion for women into the academic space. Keywords: academy; androcentrism; comparison; discrimination; epistemology; gender studies; feminism; power; university.


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How to Cite
YANNOULAS, S.; VALLEJOS, A.; LENARDUZZI, Z. Feminismo e academia. Brazilian Journal of Pedagogical Studies , v. 81, n. 199, 1 Dec. 2000.