Reflections on the level of specific knowledge of teacher-training Physical Education students at Enade 2014 evaluation
This article incorporates findings of the Relatório de Área: Educação Física (licenciatura) of the Enade 2014, conducted by the National Institute of Educational Studies Anísio Teixeira (or Inep, as acronymed in Portuguese), and discusses the quality of the formation, focusing on students’ performance in specific component items. Text is structured in three axes: the first concerns the contextualization of teacher education in the perspective of the curricular guidelines that guide them. This one enables the analysis of objective questions in the second axis and discursive questions in the third axis. Results indicate that, overall, students performed poorly in the specific formation component, especially in the discursive questions, with similar results through the five major Brazilian regions. These results raise concerns regarding the value of this initial training and the performance of the teaching professional.
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