Assessment of initial reading and writing learning: conceptual and methodological principles

  • Renata Sperrhake UFRGS
  • Luciana Piccoli UFRGS
Keywords: evaluation instruments; initial reading and writing instruction; learning assessment.


This article discusses the assessment of initial reading and writing learning by analyzing instruments used in school experiences in first-year classes of elementary school. There is a contextualization of the evaluation process through the assumptions of formative evaluation. Subsequently, based on the phonological and psychogenetic perspectives – which are paradigms that explain the children’s learning of the alphabetical-orthographic system –, conceptual and methodological principles are presented and discussed to evaluate the conceptualization of writing, knowledge of letters, syllabic awareness, graphophonemic awareness and knowledge of phonemegrapheme relations or, as it may also be called, phonographic awareness. Finally, it is
concluded that the teacher’s interpretation is what will guide the assessment of students’ learning, based on the different theories that explain the initial learning process of reading and writing. This finding shows the importance of the specific knowledge of the teacher of initial reading and writing instruction for monitoring children’s learning and organizing teaching situations that favor the betterment of students considering
the different possibilities of intervention.


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Author Biographies

Renata Sperrhake, UFRGS

Renata Sperrhake doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), é docente da Faculdade de Educação dessa universidade, onde atua na área de Formação Pedagógica e Linguagem do Curso de Pedagogia, e integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa sobre Educação e Disciplinamento (GPED).

Luciana Piccoli, UFRGS

Luciana Piccoli, doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), é professora associada do Departamento de Ensino e Currículo dessa universidade e integrante do Grupo Interinstitucional de Pesquisa Alfabetização no Brasil: o Estado do Conhecimento (Abec). Atuou como coordenadora geral do Pnaic no âmbito da UFRGS, na edição de 2016. É autora do livro Práticas pedagógicas em alfabetização: espaço, tempo e corporeidade, o qual foi finalista do Prêmio Jabuti, na categoria Educação, em 2013.


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