Counselling for teachers regarding students with language difficulties by the educational services

  • Elisabet Barnils Castany Universidad Oberta de Catalunya
  • Marta Gràcia Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: education professionals; language and education; school-institution; family; Catalonia (Spain).


Teachers assisting students with language difficulties receive counseling through two educational services: the Professional Counseling Scale and the Educational Resource Center for the Hearing Impaired. Two experts in linguistic advice, the directors of the two educational services of a specific territory and nine educational psychologists participated in this qualitative research. Initially, data collection consisted of conducting interviews with expert language advisors and directors of educational services and, subsequently, of sending digitized questionnaires to educational psychologists in educational services. The results indicate that there is margin for improvement in relation to advising educational centers in the field of language, in the organization of the process and in the elaboration of an intervention plan. A set of proposals for improvement was presented. The main conclusion is that counseling should stem from the needs detected by the center’s professionals and work in collaboration with both the centers and the families from the beginning to the end of the process.


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Author Biographies

Elisabet Barnils Castany, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya

Elisabet Barnils Castany es maestra, logopeda y psicopedagoga. Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Máster Interuniversitario en Psicologia de la Educación. Profesora-colaboradora de Máster en dificultades de aprendizaje de la Universidad Oberta de Catalunya.

Marta Gràcia, Universidad de Barcelona

Marta Gràcia es doctora en Psicología. Profesora Titular del Departamento de Cognición, Desarrollo y Psicología de la Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona.


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