O “problema” da “cola” sob a ótica das representações

  • Mary Rangel


A questão da "cola" é polêmica e controversa, seja do ponto de vista didático e de avaliação, seja na perspectiva de valores. Por isso, a "cola" se configura como um problema significativo e instigante de pesquisa. Assim, problematizar a "cola" é repensá-la de modo crítico e fundamentado, que possibilite perceber e analisar os diversos ângulos de sua origem e circunstâncias. Nessa perspectiva, este estudo recorre à teoria de representação social para discutir imagens e conceitos, práticas, instrumentos e, também, alternativas para o problema, com especial atenção às inter-relações entre seus motivos escolares e psicossociais. Palavras-chave: representação social; cola; ensino; pesquisa. Abstract "Cheating on tests" is one of the problems that persist at school scene. Like any everyday problem, it has to be seen not only as a point of difficulty or an obstacle, which leads to the immobilization or frustration, but as a question to be surveyed. The motivation to that survey is based on the argument and proposal of the teacher-researcher and the bond, which is established between teaching and research. Thus, turning "cheating on tests" into a problem is to rethink it on a critical and based way, which enables to perceive and analyze the several sides of its origin and circumstances. In that perspective, that survey goes over to the social representation theory to discuss images, concepts and practices as well as alternatives of that "problem", giving attention to the interrelation between school and psychosocial reasons. Keywords: social representation; "cheating on tests"; teaching; research.


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How to Cite
RANGEL, M. O “problema” da “cola” sob a ótica das representações. Brazilian Journal of Pedagogical Studies , v. 82, n. 200-01-02, 1 Dec. 2001.