Two decades since the National Environmental Education Policy: views of teachers in the context of a public school in Pernambuco

Keywords: case study, environmental education practice, environmental policy.


This is an experience report that aims to comprehend the perceptions of a group of basic education teachers over the National Environmental Education Policy (PNEA). It also presents the methodology used to analyze
and collectively discuss the text of the law in the context of teacher’s continuing education. This study was part of a master’s research on the processes of meaning construction related to PNEA that took place during
the development of a curriculum project for environmental education (EE) in the school context. The methodology included the collective and reflective reading of the policy text, using fiction to arouse debate. Data analysis dialogues with theoretical references of EE’s critical aspect. As main results, it was observed that participants tend to see the law as a finished document to be directly implemented. Few teachers issued critical opinions on the PNEA. Themes such as EE’s insertion in school, teacher education in EE, enforcement of PNEA guidelines, and the active participation of society in environmental issues emerged most intensely in discussions among teachers.


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Author Biographies

Everaldo Nunes de Farias Filho, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE). Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.

Doutor em Ensino das Ciências e Matemática pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE). Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. 

Carmen Roselaine de Oliveira Farias, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE). Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil.

How to Cite
NUNES DE FARIAS FILHO, E.; DE OLIVEIRA FARIAS, C. R. Two decades since the National Environmental Education Policy: views of teachers in the context of a public school in Pernambuco. Brazilian Journal of Pedagogical Studies , v. 101, n. 258, p. 22, 20 Sep. 2020.
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