Childhood education and fighting racism: teachers’ perception on the enforcement of Brazil’s legal provision Lei n°10.639/2003

Keywords: Racial Relationship; Law 10639/2003; Teachers’ Training.


This article discusses aspects of the implementation of Law 10639/2003 in educational institutions to childhood. To this end, it takes as object the perceptions of kindergarten and elementary school teachers regarding training opportunities related to racial themes, as well as to the work developed in their educational systems concerning race relations. The teachers’ opinions were collected through questionnaires applied to 3316 professionals and their answers were later analyzed. The conclusions reinforce the need to offer continuing training to childhood teachers, the expansion of monitoring mechanisms and evaluating educational policy related to racial issues in basic education.



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Author Biographies

Luciana Alves, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp). São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

Mestre em educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

Winnie Nascimento dos Santos, Centro de Estudos das Relações de Trabalho e Desigualdades (Ceert). São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

Graduado em advocacia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. 

Daniel Teixeira, Centro de Estudos das Relações de Trabalho e Desigualdades (Ceert). São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

Mestre em Psicologia Social pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

How to Cite
ALVES, L.; NASCIMENTO DOS SANTOS, W.; TEIXEIRA, D. Childhood education and fighting racism: teachers’ perception on the enforcement of Brazil’s legal provision Lei n°10.639/2003. Brazilian Journal of Pedagogical Studies , v. 103, n. 264, 22 Aug. 2022.